Did you know, that tea is the single most consumed beverage in the world behind water? And furthermore, all teas, except for herbal teas, are brewed from the dried leaves of the Camellia sinensis bush. The oxidation level of the leaves then determines the actual type of tea. Green tea is one of the most nutritious and health-promoting teas made from unoxidized leaves. It is far less processed, which means it contains more antioxidants and polyphenols, a health-promoting group of phytochemicals.
Benefits of this Amazing Tea
Researchers have spent millions of dollars studying the numerous health benefits of green tea. Green tea has been used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine to control bleeding, heal wounds, aid in digestion, improve the heart and mental health, and even regulate body temperature.
More recently, scientists have discovered that green tea may even play a role in assisting weight loss. In addition, it may have a positive effect on liver disorders, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. With future research, scientists may just confirm what ancient medical practitioners have known for centuries!
According to the National Cancer Institute, green tea may have a positive effect on various cancers, including breast, bladder, ovarian, lung, prostate, skin, stomach, and colorectal. It seems that the high levels of polyphenols help kill cancer cells, preventing them from growing; however, the exact mechanism is unknown.

Additional Benefits
Other possible benefits attributed to this health-promoting drink include:
- Cardiovascular disease – Japanese study participants who drank at least 5 cups of green tea per day had a significantly lower risk of dying due to cardiovascular disease and all causes than those who drank less than 1 cup per day
- Cholesterol reduction – a study in 2011 found that green tea, when consumed as a liquid or in capsule form, caused significant but modest reductions in total and LDL cholesterol
- Working memory and cognition – it seems that green tea consumption improved cognitive function and working memory, even in neuropsychiatric disorders such as dementia. One study revealed that individuals who frequently drink green tea have a 64% lower risk of experiencing memory loss and concentration difficulties.
- Risk of stroke – daily consumption of green tea was associated with a reduced risk of stroke according to a large scale study
- Reduces inflammation– green tea is especially high in flavonoids, a type of polyphenol that functions as an antioxidant. These compounds help reduce inflammation caused by free radicals and may lower the risk of several chronic diseases linked to inflammation, such as arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
Ways to Improve the Flavor
If you’re not a fan of the unique flavor of green tea, it’s okay! For some, it can come across as a little bitter. But don’t give up on this miracle tea just yet. If you’re one who struggles with the bitterness, here are a couple of workarounds to still get you those benefits:
Choose a different type. Did you know that there are seven kinds of green tea? If you don’t like one variety, give another a whirl. For example, Sencha is the most common and well-known green tea. But if it tastes too bitter, try Hojicha. It’s a variety that’s known for its savory aroma and is gentle enough for those sensitive to caffeine.
Try boosting the flavor. Green tea is also sold with added fruits and flowers, which help mask the bitterness. Beware of sweetened or artificially flavored options though. Flavor it up yourself by adding fresh lemon juice, ginger, and or a touch of honey!
Mix it in other foods. If you’re not a big tea drinker, you can still get the health benefits in other ways. Try adding in a cup of brewed tea or a spoonful of matcha powder to your morning smoothie.

The Green Miracle Drink
There’s a reason green tea has been around for millennia. And it seems the recommended dose is 1-4 cups per day for maximum benefit. With all the different ways you can consume it, it becomes simply too good to pass up. So, where you can, consider adding this powerful tea to your daily health routine. And if you’re struggling with other inflammatory symptoms that you need some help with, make an appointment to come on in and see us!