Chiropractic Services
The most significant aspect of any chiropractic treatment is manipulation of the spine or joints of the extremities. Commonly referred to as an "adjustment", chiropractic manipulation is performed to improve range of motion, increase segmental joint mobility, stimulate joint position sensors, and promote normal function of the central nervous system.
The adjustment is vital in restoring normal joint function and range of motion and improving overall joint health. Dr. Bacon terms his adjusting technique as the "Total Body Assessment".
Chiropractic manipulation is a safe, gentle and effective method for treating neck, mid back and lower back pain in addition to disorders of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle.
Chiropractic is safe for adults and children alike. In fact, getting adjusted on a regular basis in childhood is one of the best things you can do to ensure healthy development.
By restoring normal function to the musculoskeletal system, manipulation allows the nervous system to operate without interference, regulate the various systems of the body, and promote optimal health.
Dr. Bacon and Dr. Wilkie use a unique global functional assessment along with a variety of chiropractic techniques when adjusting their patients, allowing them to tailor treatments to the specific needs and tolerances of each individual patient.